Mengenal Leukemia (Kanker Darah)
Kisah Tragis Si Gadis Playboy

Travel Tips For Golfers
Pack golf shoes, your golf glove, and six golf balls in your carry-on bag. If your golf clubs are delayed, you can rent clubs at almost any course; but do you really want to buy another pair of shoes?
Protect yourself from theft. We hate to say it, but theft by baggage handlers is a reality. Some of our friends have had individual clubs (putters and drivers) stolen during air travel. Use a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) approved padlock on your golf travel bag to help deter thieves. You can get a TSA approved padlock on-line or at most stores that sell luggage. Look for the TSA logo on the lock to ensure it can be opened by a TSA agent. Otherwise, they will cut the lock if your bag is chosen for inspection.
Weigh your luggage before you leave home. Most airlines charge extra fees for bags weighing more than 50 pounds (22.6 kg). Redistribute items between your golf bag, your suitcase, and your carry-on bag so you don't have to take your bags apart in the terminal or pay for overweight bags.
Make sure your luggage tags are securely fastened to all your bags, including your golf bag and your carry-on. Then put a business card inside each piece of luggage. If your bag is misrouted, and the luggage tag gets torn off during handling, airport security will be able to contact you.
Buy travel insurance. Travel insurance is inexpensive, but it can save you a ton of money if you have to cancel your trip, your flight is delayed, you or a family member has medical problems, or your clubs or luggage is lost.
Be prepared for bad weather. You're more likely to play golf in the rain when you're on a golf vacation than when you're playing at home. So here are some tips on what to do to be prepared for inclement weather:
* Change the spikes on your golf shoes before you leave home and put a couple of extra spikes and a spike-wrench in your golf bag. Besides giving you more stability during your swing, new spikes can make all the difference in the world if you're walking on slippery hills. A few extra spikes and the wrench weigh next-to-nothing and will come in handy if you lose a spike.
* Check the grips on your golf clubs, including your putter. If you haven't changed your grips in over a year, it's time! In bad weather, a new grip can make the difference between knocking it stiff or watching your favorite wedge pin-wheel into a pond after it slips out of your hands.
* Invest in good rain gear, including a waterproof hat and rain gloves. Don't skimp on cheap rain gear or you might end up with gear that isn't fully waterproof (just ask the members of the 2010 USA Ryder Cup team!) Put an umbrella in your bag.
* An extra golf glove, towel and socks are also good if you have room. Put them all in a zip-lock bag inside your golf bag to ensure you're not going to pull out soggy gear.
* Consider leaving your driver and fairway metal head covers at home and wrapping another towel around the club heads. This will ensure that your head covers don't get soaked if it rains or that your favorite head cover (the one your daughter bought you for your birthday) doesn't end up in the bin in some far-away starter's shack. And it also gives you an extra towel should the weather not cooperate. If you bring your head covers with you on the trip, consider leaving them in your travel bag, the trunk of your car, or in your room before heading to the golf course.
By : Eric A. Rosenberg

Manfaat Kloset Jongkok
Namun untuk orang biasa kloset jongkok ternyata mempunyai beberapa manfaat, diantaranya :
1. Sulit untuk tertular kuman dan bakteri
2. Melatih otot untuk menahan berat badan.
3. Melatih kekuatan kaki dan otot kaki.
4. Melatih otot dasar panggul dan membuat pantat lebih sexy.
5. Posisi jongkok membantu kotoran lebih mudah keluar karena otot-otot dinding perut kontraksinya lebih bagus.
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Tips Menurunkan Kolesterol

Real Estate Properties And A Lease Purchase Home
For first timers dealing with real estate options, it is advised that with good judgment, every opportunity must not be put to waste. If every factor for considering lease purchase homes is already assessed, then one has to work on it with focus and patience. After all, there are also other people who can be considered competitors once they want the same thing as you do. Thus, beat them to it and be first to claim what you have been eyeing on all along.
Knowledge is always power, thus do not remain ignorant on how the business works. It's a property you are trying to secure for your family's benefit, thus you should study every possibility so that you will know how you can request and where you can get assistance in case you are stuck somewhere and can't progress. A lease purchase house is what you need to own your dream house as well, granted that you know where to look and how to claim it. Always think of your priorities so that once the decision has been made, you will be happy with what you did. We all need a place to live, and if the opportunity for getting a good one is there, then ready yourself and focus on your goal of getting the best deal for your money.
By : Preston John R Glenn

Bahaya Kemasan Styrofoam
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How To Find Top Auto Insurance Companies
Ask agents and brokers about the providers they like the most. Many brokers and agents will likely promote the businesses they sell policies for, but that does not mean the businesses they recommend are low quality operations. By talking with these knowledgeable individuals, you will likely obtain the names of many high quality providers. Take a look at large scale consumer reviews. Consumer watchdog organizations study these businesses day in and day out. These organizations also publish information about these businesses as well. By reviewing the literature these organizations are currently publishing, you can gain a fairly clear picture of the current marketplace.
Many consumer watchdog groups even publish specific information about each company they review as well. By reviewing this information, you can see which providers are financially stable, which providers honor claims, and which providers offer high quality customer service. Review information being published by past and present customers online. Many customers of these publish information about their personal experiences with large organizations on a regular basis. These individuals share invaluable information about the providers they have used and are currently using. If you can find information that informs you about the quality of various providers in business today, you will likely know which organizations are actually providing high quality services to their customers. Complete your search by contacting some of the best companies directly. After you have utilized a few of the previous steps, you will likely know which organizations are commonly rated as the best in the business today. Once you know which providers are top auto insurance companies, you can contact them directly to ask them a few questions and see for yourself which ones actually offer the products and services you need the most.
By : Ted Kripps

Ramuan Tradisional Untuk Penderita Asma
Saat menghembuskan nafas, tekanan di dalamnya meningkat sehingga mempengaruhi dinding saluran pernafasan dan cabang-cabangnya sehingga menjadi pipih. Keadaan ini menyebabkan saluran pernafasan menjadi sempit sehingga sulit menghembuskan nafas. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan penderita asma mengalami kesulitan saat menghembuskan napas, yang biasanya juga disertai timbulnya suara.
Hal-hal yang dapat memperburuk serangan asma antara lain : tekanan emosional, kelelahan, bau-bauan, asap rokok, perubahan suhu, dan lain-lain.
• 30 gram akar putrid malu / sikejut direbus dengan 400 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, kemudian airnya diminum selagi hangat.
• Lobak putih secukupnya dijus hingga tertampung 1 mangkok, lalu ditim dan diminum.
• Irisan jahe setebal 3 mm ditempelkan dengan menggunakan koyo hangat / koyo cabe pada titik dazhui.
• 15 gram bunga melati direbus dengan 400 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, kemudian airnya diminum selagi hangat
• 60 gram rumput jukut pendul direbus dengan 400 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, kemudian air rebusannya diminum selagi masih hangat.
• 15 gram bunga melati dan 15 gram jahe direbus dengan 600 cc air hingga tersisa 300 cc, kemudian airnya diminum selagi hangat sebanyak setengah gelas.
Penulis : Prof. H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma

Mitos Seputar Seks Yang Sering Diperdebatkan
2.) Pria Mencapai Puncak Seksual Pada Usia 18, Sedangkan Wanita Pada Usia 30''an. Menyikapi mitos ini, apa yang harus dipegang teguh pikiran Anda adalah bahwa pemahaman soal puncak ini adalah menyesatkan. Puncak dari segi hormonal tidak serta merta mempengaruhi puncak dari kemampuan seksual. Lebih jauh lagi, kualitas fisik dan seksual bukan suatu hal yang sama. Ketika hormon testosteron mencapai puncaknya pada usia 18, seorang pria cenderung belum mengalami seks terbaik dalam hidupnya sebagai remaja. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari fakta ini adalah jangan biarkan pikiran penuh prasangka mendikte Anda.
4.) Cinta Dibutuhkan Untuk Menikmati Seks Satu lagi mitos yang agak menyesatkan. Yang benar adalah cinta¨ tidak berkaitan dengan kepuasan seksual. Tentu saja, saat seseorang jatuh cinta dan memiliki perasaan kuat pada pasangannya, pengalaman seksualnya menjadi lebih baik. Namun hal ini tak bisa diterjemahkan dalam orgasme yang luar biasa.Banyak pasangan yang bingung bahwa seks yang mereka nikmati tidak seindah seperti kehidupan cinta mereka Setiap pasangan harus menyadari bahwa belajar untuk ¨menikmati¨ satu sama lain akan menjadi mahir seperti halnya memainkan alat musik. Anda butuh latihan kerja keras, kesabaran, sebelum musik yang hasilkan sempurna dan manis.
5.) Single Lebih Sering Ngeseks Ketimbang Yang Berpasangan. Meskipun kita cenderung berpikir bahwa orang yang belum menikah lebih sering melakukan seks, namun mereka yang telah menikah atau hidup bersama-lah yang justru menjadi pemenang untuk soal yang satu ini. Ini bisa terjadi karena dua hal yakni : modal dan kemudahan. Kedua, Anda akan mencapai jumlah seks yang optimal bila Anda hidup dengan pasangan yang dicintai. Anda juga akan memiliki kehidupan seks yang nikmat ketimbang saat masih single. Menurut penelitian, kualitas seks yang lebih tinggi akan dicapai seseorang bila telah memiliki pasangan dalam ikatan pernikahan. Hal ini terjadi karena model relasi seperti ini biasannya menawarkan komponen-komponen kunci dari eksplorasi seksual dan kesenangan yakni kepercayan dan keterikatan.

Tidur Panjang Oma Ida Kusumah Saat Syuting

Semoga Oma Ida Kusumah diterima segala amal ibadahnya, diampuni segala dosanya,dan keluarga,sahabat yang ditinggalkan diberikan ketabahan,Amin.Selamat Jalan Oma Ida Kusumah,Kami akan selalu mengenang tawa dan candamu.

Cara Memikat Kaum Wanita

1. Postur dan posisi - Postur Anda mengkomunikasikan segalanya. Anda perlu melengkungkan punggung dan sedikit menonjolkan dada Anda. Ambil jarak, saat Anda berbicara dengan seorang wanita, posisikan diri Anda tak jauh dari dua kaki. Anda tak perlu terlalu dekat dengannya, tapi sedikit lebih dekat dari jarak yang biasa dilakukan dalam percakapan normal. Atur posisi terbuka sepanjang waktu. Saat Anda sedang berusaha merayu seorang wanita, jangan sekali-kali bersedekap atau memasukan tangan ke dalam saku. Jika Anda ingin mencoba membuatnya melihat Anda, mundurlah sedikit, jika dia mengikuti gerakan Anda, maka itu sebuah pertanda bagus.
3. Sentuhan juga boleh dilakukan. Sebagai awalnya, sentuh pundak atau tangannya sewaktu Anda berbicara dengannya. Namun untuk sentuhan ini, Anda mesti hati-hati, jangan sampai sentuhan tersebut diartikan sesuatu yang kurang ajar atau melecehkan. Yang perlu Anda ingat, jangan keluar jalur, atau si wanita malah jadi sebal pada Anda.
4. Bersikaplah agresif. Kaum wanita menyukai pria-pria yang tak takut melakukan apapun demi mendapat yang diinginkannya. Saat Anda menujukkan ''pengejaran'' dengan penuh rasa percaya diri dan tak kenal takut, maka ia akan mulai melihat Anda sebagai sosok yang berbeda. Jangan pelit memberi pujian pada wanita...ungkapkan apa yang Anda pikirkan, asal itu dalam batas wajar.
5. Berikan ungkapan jujur. Jika Anda telah menyampaikan bahasa tubuh yang tepat, apa yang Anda katakan tak sepenuhnya penting. Hanya saja, usahakan untuk membuat percakapan tetap hidup. Lemparkan topik yang bukan hal serius, bukan pula percakapan yang terlalu mendalam. Jangan melulu bicara tentang diri Anda, tapi gali pula hal-hal yang membuat lawan bicara Anda terlibat.
Isyarat Jiwa Jangan perlihatkan perasaan gugup sewaktu Anda mendekati seorang wanita, pancarkan rasa percaya diri dan yakin kalau Anda mampu mengontrol situasi ini. Tunjukan Anda merasa nyaman dan aman...para wanita menyukai pria yang memiliki rasa aman. Ingat, seorang yang percaya diri dan merasa aman sangatlah memikat. Itulah kenapa kebanyakan wanita enggan dengan pria yang sombong dan grogi. Rasa percaya diri dapat ditunjukan dengan tidak bicara gugup, tidak duduk/berdiri dengan gelisah, menatap langsung ke mata dan suara tidak terdengar gemetar. Untuk membuat seseorang.
Sumbernya ada disini.

Rahasia Kurus Cepat Dan Sehat

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Cara Ampuh Sembuhkan Impotensi

Boyke menjelaskan, salah satu faktor utama penyebab impotensi justru berasal dari faktor psikologis seseorang. Permasalahan yang bisa menimbulkan tekanan psikologis seperti stres bisa membawa dampak sampai ke "urusan ranjang". "Lima puluh persen itu karena faktor psikologis. Banyak faktor, mulai dari istri galak, kena PHK, masalah ekonomi, dan sebagainya, akhirnya jadi terbawa dan jadi masalah,Baca Selengkapnya ...

What Are The Legal Aspects of Buying Real Estate?

Then there is an exchange of contracts. The buyer signs one copy of the contract and the seller signs another. The parties give each other the copy of the contract that they have signed. The contract is then binding and in effect. At this point, the deposit is also usually paid into the trust account of the real estate agent or the vendor's solicitor. The parties then take the time to do requisitions on title and searches, draft the transfer and do adjustments as a result of the searches before settlement occurs. They must also ensure that the correct finance is in place for the transaction to take place. Assuming that all of these steps are completed,settlement will occur on the date appointed in the contract.
Some of the risks that people are unaware of when entering into these contracts are that the sale will not complete which will mean that they could lose their deposit. It will also mean that they may be liable to pay damages for not completing the contract. If you are a seller, some of the risks can include that you may end up signing a contract with a real estate agent that you will need to pay their commission even if the sale doesn't go through or the marketing costs of the agent. Many people are unaware of the serious risks which can be related to these types of property transactions.

How to start your online modeling career.

The Ownership of Property

Where a property is held by a couple (whether they are married or simply living together) as Joint Tenants, upon the death of the first the property will automatically pass to the survivor. The share of the one who dies will not form part of his or her Estate and will not be affected by the terms of any Will. In effect both parties own the whole property rather than a divisible share, which is why on the death of one of the Joint Tenants the property belongs wholly to the survivor.
The effects of holding a property as Tenants in Common means that each person has a fixed share of the property e.g. 50/50, 80/20 etc. Under this form of ownership, the property will not automatically pass on the death of one to the survivor and the share of the person who dies will form part of his or her Estate and can bequeathed to a third party. This means that it is necessary for a Will to be made to dispose of each party's separate share of the property. Where there is no Will the deceased person's share of the property will pass in accordance with the Intestacy Rules; i.e to their next of kin.
Where a property is held as Joint Tenants, that Joint Tenancy can be severed by a simple document called a Notice of Severance. Assuming that you and your co-owner hold your property as Joint Tenants, you must now consider whether or not to sever the Joint Tenancy. If you do, then your share of the Tenancy will no longer automatically pass to your co-owner upon your death and vice versa. Instead you may each nominate someone else to receive your share of the property when you die. This should be done by a Will.
If you buy land or property with another person, particularly if you are not married to them you should consider how you want to hold the property and you should advise your solicitor or conveyancer accordingly.

Brain Research and Breast Cancer

Susan Love's Army of Women, has posted a Call to Action for women in the San Francisco, Stanford University area to participate in a new study. This study looks at the brain and cognitive function of breast cancer survivors and non survivors. I am fascinated with the brain, and any studies concerning the brain pique my interest. In this study a MRI will measure brain function and brain structure. Breast cancer and its treatments can cause some temporary and long lasting problems related to memory, attention and problem solving.
In the last few years a condition called 'Chemo Brain' has been finally accepted as a side effect to chemotherapy. I would explain Chemo Brain but I am still a bit fuzzy on the subject. If you have ever seen MRI, PET and CT scans of the brain from different population groups, you know the brain is truly incredible. Any study that looks at the brain functions with the objective to be helpful for survivors with cognitive function is a study worth every dollar, time and effort. So much is talked about the loss of brain use by aging, but so many other factors can influence brain function well before years. So much is not understood about the brain and its functions. Books have been written about how much we still don't know about the brain. Here is an opportunity to fill in the blanks. If you know any women in the Northern California area, let them know how they can make a difference and also help their own brain function.

How to Measure Your Bra Size

Many lingerie retailers supply sizing calculators which state a woman should wear a band size which is 4-5 inches larger than her actual 'around the body' measurement. This is incorrect information from the 1930's which is still being passed from suppliers to retailers today. Early bras made by Warner's were sized in this way however new modern bras are elasticated and so a woman's actual body measurement is now very close to the correct band size she should be wearing.
What is the correct way to measure your bra size?
There are two parts to a bra size; the band which is the measurement around the circumference of the body and the cup which is the size or fullness of the bust itself. The band size should be measured by placing a tape measure tightly around the body, under the bust, with arms down. If possible this should be done by someone else to ensure accuracy. If the measurement, in inches, is an odd number then the correct band size will be the next number up as band sizes only come in even numbers. If an even number is reached then this will be the correct band size too although the next size up may be required for some styles of bra. Certain online retailers of sexy lingerie will have their own sizing guides which will have been specified by the manufacturer.
The best way to establish the new correct cup size is to work from the current incorrect cup size. If a woman has just calculated her band size using the steps above and found that she has moved down a bra size, then the new cup size will be one size larger than her current size. So as a general rule, the cup should increase by one size for every size that the band is decreased. This is true for the reverse too.
How do you know if the band size is correct?
* Shoulder straps should be checked for tightness. Good support is required however straps which are overly tight will cause discomfort.
* The hook and eye adjustments on modern elasticated bras are designed so that the bra can be tightened as the elastic wears down. Therefore it is very important that when the bra is first fitted, the most comfortable adjustment is not the last eye. The last eye adjustment should feel very tight so that it can be used once the bra has had good wear and begins to feel loose.
* The band sizing can be checked for tightness by running a hand around the inside of the bra band. This should be easy to do if the bra is not too tight. Then, to check that it is not too loose a small fist should be placed under the back of the bra. If the fist is not tight against the bra and back, then the fit is too loose.
How do you know if the cup size is correct?
* If the cup size is correctly chosen, the under-wire will run perfectly under the breasts and be completely flat against the rib cage. If the under-wire is riding up into the breasts and leaving a gap where it should meet with the ribs then the cup or band may be too small.
* There should be no unfilled or loose areas in the cup. The breasts should completely fill the bra.
* The cup should not be so tight that the breasts bulge out from under the armpits or at the top of the bra.

Tips To Build A Website To Sell Products

Key # 1 Make your website interactive.
As the Internet continues to grow and evolve is increasingly important to create a community around your business. To achieve this means hiring your visitors and customers. This can be accomplished in several ways. You can:
* Provide a forum
* To publish surveys or polls
* Allow visitors and customers to review or range of subjects. For example, a “What is this item worth?” Question and a scale of 1 to 5 stars or a range of 1-10.
* Providing a blog and inspire the observations and comments
* House of the contests and sweepstakes
* Publish audio and video content and content writing. This gives users another way to get access to you and your personality.
Key # 2 Make sure your site provides valuable information.
People go online for a number of reasons. Go online to research a possible purchase, to find solutions to a problem you’re having and entertainment. If your site offers three products, information, entertainment and then you’re in good shape. The good news is that its contents can provide both information and entertainment, and when written well, it can also inspire purchases. Here are some ideas to provide a value for its customers and prospects:
* How to articles, videos and audio
* Advice articles, videos and audio
* Case Studies
* Books and reports
* Interviews with experts
* Product Reviews
Key # 3 Make sure your website is easy to navigate.
It takes a visitor about 20 seconds to make a decision about whether to stay on your site or click away. If the site is well presented, with products and services, information, pricing, FAQs, and the content easy to find then people are more likely to pass the time - the longer they stay in place, most likely to make a purchase or to return again.
To make your site easier to navigate into account:
* Keep your site simple.
* Keep your pages consistent with the same options and appearance.
* If you have a large amount of content, excellent! Use drop-down menus and organize content by topic for easy access.
* Providing a search function where users can find products, services or content topics quickly and easily.
* Provide a means for users to easily return to previous pages. A key reversal is an option however, if each page has the same options and menus, including the ability to quickly return to the home page, a user can always find what they need.
* Proof of the appearance of your website in different browsers to ensure that every visitor has a good experience.
Key # 4 Make your website easy on the eyes.
Visit a web page and the text was so small or the colours are so incompatible that one could not read a word? Readability is key to selling a website. Make sure:
* Your colours are pleasing to the eye,
* Your graphics are not distracting
* And keep the format as underlining, bold and italics to a minimum.
* The separation between sentences and paragraphs is adequate
* Font size is large enough for people to read and the font is readable
Key # 5 Give them a soft sell.
People expect to be sold and are looking for - they are cautious. Instead of beating the visitors a tough sell website, provide information, solve problems and show them the benefits of your products or services. They will be much more receptive and appreciative.
Creating a website that sells requires a structured approach and a desire to create the best possible experience for its visitors. Once you have created your website, consider the evidence and seeking collaborators, friends and relatives for their opinion.
By : cherieang