Stress Management Skills To Make You Healthier

When you respond positively and creatively to stressful situations and to hassles itself, it is an understanding that you possess the attitudes and knowledge to manage pressure effectively. These are called stress management skills and this may extend from improved interpersonal skills, anger management, effective time management and tension reduction techniques. Some significant stress management skills teach you some different methods to rest your body, mind and soul.
If you master these beneficial stress management skills, you would be greatly equipped to deal and cope with anxiety and the harmful impact it could have in your personal life and in your workplace. This in turn, assists you in working through the tension and probable negative emotions. Breathing techniques like deep breathing and controlled breathing are both quick and effortless and an easy way to de-stress. Another great benefit of these breathing exercises is that they could be done anywhere and anytime. Another stress management skill is the massage therapy. You can massage your neck, back and shoulders to increase your sense of wellness and to relieve anxiety and pressure. Massages are available in health spas where massages are part of their services or from trained massage therapists. Exercise is another from of stress management skill that would bring you the essence of consistent exercise to lessen your negative reaction to hassles and tension in your life.
Any regular fitness activity which increases your heart rate for fifteen or more minutes three to four times for a week would help minimize the destructive effects of pressure. The use of yoga as another source of physical and emotional relief, overall spiritual well being and reducing stress and anxiety is another good and effective stress management skill to try. Some great advantages of yoga include increased strength and flexibility, reduced anxiety, longer and continuous sleep, lower and more stabilized blood pressure, and minimized anxiety and muscle tension. On the whole, the practical use of stress management skills could prove to be quite enjoyable and stimulating. Music therapy has also been known to eliminate tension and gives you an uplifted mood in a more creative way. Choose your own genre of music to help you relax and enjoy at the same time. Music therapy has also been perceived to reduce harmful stress, increase your deep breathing and take your mind off the pain. When ascertaining various stress management activities and skills to help you relax, unwind and alleviate tension and stress one of the basic elements is to take some time off and try to do something you really enjoy. It is said that no matter how busy or preoccupied a person is, as long as he really loves and enjoys what he does, he never gets stressed at all. Why? Maybe because he doesn’t view his work as something of a bore or a drudgery. It is as if he’s only playing and it becomes part of his system—his way of life. Some activities such as reading or any hobby outside your typical normal work schedule would also provide you some rest and relaxation that your body deserves.
By: Amy Twain

Internet Marketing And A Future Financial Focus

One of the prime motivations for Internet marketing is that you don’t want to be in the same place you are right now - in 12 months. In every business the predominant idea is to set goals that help you conduct business smarter, learn lessons faster and bring more business to your site. The problem is many entrepreneurs tend to stay focused on their bottom line and to product fulfillment issues. By doing so they may indeed find themselves in the same place 12 months from now. They may also find their business has declined in total sales revenue. How is that possible?
This is an interesting question especially when, from all appearances, the business owner IS paying attention to their business and that the sales are brisk. It can also seem baffling when it appears that the business owner is busier than they have ever been. The problem may be that some of the details of business should be delegated to other employees, especially if the business is of significant size. The sad truth is some business owners are spending too much time in the mailroom and not enough time in long-term strategic planning. Online business grows as new ideas are developed and implemented. It is not unlike an architect spending all his or her time developing the entryway of a new luxury hotel while failing to draw up plans for the rest of the building. It looks nice from the outside, but the inside is in disarray.
What this means, in the broadest terms, is that you need to pay attention to all aspects of your online business. If you don’t feel adequate to manage certain aspects of the business then find someone who can. When you neglect certain aspects of your business you will almost always run the risk of a loss of long-term business. You will also be subjected to feast or famine cycles where you may have more work than you can handle for a period of time and not enough work for an equal or greater length of time. It’s a given that you find your business to be an important part of your life. You have invested a lot in the success of your business and that investment is too great to simply allow glaring marketing omissions to go unchallenged. Sometimes business owners adopt an out of sight - out of mind mentality. They avoid those things that are not on their immediate radar. They push back all those things that are not fires to attend only the tyranny of the urgent. Internet marketing is one of the very first things to be cast from view for many businesses. The reason this is true is because the role of marketing seems to have little intrinsic value for those online shops that are currently doing a brisk business. It appears to be a sign that they did everything right and can move on to the role of bean counter.
Learn the art of balancing your business interests and include marketing as a prime component for achieving future goals.
By: Scott Lindsay

Tips Menaklukkan Wanita Hanya Dalam 3 Langkah

Anda berkali-kali gagal mendapatkan wanita pujaan? Jangan kecil hati, evaluasi strategi anda. Tiga langkah berikut ini layak anda simak agar si dia jatuh ke pelukan anda saat kencan pertama.
1. Dari Mata Turun Ke Hati
Ubah penampilan anda, lakukan eksplorasi terhadap gaya berpakaian dan model rambut anda. Tapi ingat jangan terlalu memaksakan diri. Tetaplah menjadi diri sendiri tetapi dalam versi yang lebih oke.
2. Tingkatkan Rasa Percaya Diri
Tanpa yang satu ini jangan harap anda bisa memenangkan hatinya. Setiap pria punya caranya sendiri, dan anda harus menemukan apa yang dapat memicu anda untuk tampil lebih percaya diri. Rasa percaya diri adalah daya tarik seksual super dahsyat.
3. Perhatikan Nafas Anda
Jangan membuat acara kencan anda menjadi antiklimaks hanya gara-gara aroma tak sedap mulut anda. Saat ini banyak sarana praktis yang bisa membuat napas anda segar seketika, misalnya dengan mengunyah permen karet dengan rasa dan aroma mentol yang menyegarkan.

Kode Etik Hacker

Hacker juga memiliki kode etik yang pada mulanya diformulasikan dalam buku karya Steven Levy berjudul Hackers : Heroes of The Computer Revolution, pada tahun 1984. Semoga sedikit catatan komputer tentang hacker ini dapat menambah pengetahuan anda dalam bidang internet.
Kode etik hacker tersebut tertulis :

1. Akses ke sebuah system computer, dan apapun saja dapat mengajarkan mengenai bagaimana dunia bekerja, haruslah tidak terbatas sama sekali.
2. Segala informasi haruslah gratis.
3. Jangan percaya pada otoritas, promosikanlah desentralisasi.
4. Hacker haruslah dinilai dari sudut pandang aktivitas hackingnya, bukan berdasarkan standard organisasi formal atau criteria yang tidak relevan seperti derajat, usia, suku maupun posisi.
5. Seseorang dapat menciptakan karya seni dan keindahan di computer.
6. Komputer dapat mengubah kehidupan seseorang menjadi lebih baik.

Nutrien Penting Untuk Wanita

• Folic Acid
Penting untuk perempuan hamil atau berencana hamil dan juga penting untuk mencegah penyakit jantung. Sumber : bayam, brokoli, nasi dan pasta, kacang-kacangan.

• Magnesium
Membantu menjaga kekuatan tulang, mempertahankan fungsi normal otot dan syaraf. Sumber : bayam, kacang-kacangan, padi-padian.
• Potassium
Membantu mengatur tekanan darah. Sumber : buah-buahan dan sayuran, susu.
• Zat Besi
Penting untuk produksi sel-sel darah merah yang mengangkut oksigen ke seluruh tubuh. Sumber : daging merah tanpa lemak, padi-padian, kedelai, vitamin C.
• Vitamin E
Antioksidan yang membantu melindungi sel darah merah, system syaraf dan otot rangka. Sumber : minyak sayur, selai kacang tanah.
• Vitamin A
Antioksidan yang mendukung system imun dan penting untuk penglihatan yang sehat. Sumber : wortel, ubi jalar, brokoli, bayam.
• Kalsium
Untuk tulang dan gigi yang kuat. Juga dapat membantu mempertahankan berat badan yang sehat. Sumber : sayuran daun hijau tua, kedelai, jus.

Top 5, A Must Buy Ps3 Accessories

Sony has made big revolution in gaming industry, with its PSP, PS2, PS3 gaming consoles and many more. As we know Sony has really good name in consumer electronics. The latest one Sony Playstation3 known as PS3 as well is not only gaming console, it enables use of Blu-Ray technology as well. It covers gaming, data storage, and many more. Here I am introducing some nice PS3 accessories, which will enhance the more functionality and realistic gaming. I am sure you will love it.
Blu-Ray Disc Remote Control
Blu-Ray and Bluetooth technology are combined into the standard PS3 system. This means that the PS3 is not only a gaming console but also allows you to enjoy high definition multimedia. Blu-ray technology helps to provide theatre-quality audio and a high definition picture. The Blu-Ray Disc Remote Control provides more relaxation which enables you to manage playback of Blu-ray discs (BD) and other types of disc media without leaving your seat. Now no need to bus separate DVD player as this will fulfil all requirement of great quality multimedia.

SIXAXIS Wireless Controller
The newly designed SIXASIS offers wireless controller with motion-sensing technology to read when a player angles, tilts, thrusts or pulls and allows the controller to become a natural extension of the player’s body. Using Bluetooth technology, the PS3 can support up to seven wireless controllers.

PS3 Bluetooth Headset
The PS3 Bluetooth Headset is designed to allow you hands-free conversation while playing games. The headset includes latest technologies like a noise-reduction and echo-eliminating microphone to give the clearest sound possible. The headset can also be used with other Bluetooth enabled devices such as mobile phones, PDAs or computers.

S-Video Cable
The S-Video Cable for PS3 connects your Playstation system to your existing television or monitor for a sharp, clear picture and crisp sound while still using standard definition technology. This will work as video and audio quality enhancer. The cable embodies 24-carat gold-plated connectors and an oxygen-free copper (OFC) coating. The S-Video cable is capable of supporting up to 480i standard resolution using an analogue signal which is really good.

Memory Card Adapter for PS3
The Playstation 3 Memory Card Adapter is allows you to transfer data between the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3’s hard disc. If you have any stored game data in PS2 then it can be used in PS3 which has backward compatibility. These are only few basic best buy accessories for PS3. There are so many new accessories are available and coming new as well. So make a perfect selection of your choice and get maximum experience of you gaming.

By: Angelina Maben
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Apakah sebenarnya penyakit Leptospirosis itu ?

Penyakit Leptospirosis sesungguhnya tergolong zoonosis, yakni jenis penyakit hewan yang bisa menjangkiti manusia. Penyebabnya adalah bakteri leptospira, bakteri yang berbentuk panjang dan spiral, yang hidup dan berkembang biak di tubuh hewan. Hewan pengerat seperti tikus dan tupai, adalah hewan yang paling mudah terjangkiti bakteri ini. Namun, bukan tak mungkin hewan ternak seperti babi, ayam dan hewan peliharaan seperti burung, kucing dan anjing bisa terkena bakteri ini juga.
Bakteri leptospira keluar bersama denga urine hewan dan masuk ke tubuh manusia melalui telapak kaki, selaput lender, mata, hidung, kulit luka atau terkena eksim, air, dan makanan. Begitu masuk ke aliran darah, dalam 4-10 hari, bakteri ini akan menyebar ke seluruh tubuh.
Penyakit leptospirosis sering juga disebut penyakit demam banjir, padahal penyakit ini bisa muncul juga di musim kemarau. Memang, ketika banjir melanda, kemungkinan orang yang terinfeksi lebih banyak. Ini disebabkan bakteri leptospira bisa mengendap di tanah dan bertahan sampai hitungan bulan. Begitu ada banjir, bakteri yang mengendap di dalam tanah terbawa air dan menempel di lantai, dinding, perabot, dan benda-benda yang terkena banjir. Penyebab lain kenapa di saat banjir penyakit leptospirosis lebih mudah berjangkit adalah karena ketika banjir, sarang-sarang tikus terendam. Tikus pun akan segera mencari tempat yang aman. Pada saat tikus-tikus mengungsi kandung kemihnya yang lemah membuat urine lebih mudah berceceran di berbagai tempat.
Pada kasus-kasus awal mungkin dokter tidak menduga ada leptospirosis, karena penyakit ini tidak lazim dan sering dikira penyakit kuning. Padahal, jika terlambat diobati, penyakit ini bisa merusak organ-organ seperti ginjal, hati dan otak. Oleh karena itu, cegahlah sedini mungkin dan waspadai gejala yang timbul.

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The Importance of Communication in Project Management

Communication is key to successful Project Management.
If project staff do not know what their tasks are, or how to accomplish them, then the entire project will grind to a halt. If you do not know what the project staff are (not) doing then you will be unable to monitor project progress. And if you are uncertain of what the customer expects of you, then the project will not even get off the ground.

Maintaining open, regular and accurate channels of communication with all levels of project staff and stakeholders is vital to ensuring the smooth flow of instructions from customer to factory floor and sufficient warning of risks and changes to enable early assessment and preparation.

The Information that You Need to Give
As Project Manager, it is your job to keep a number of people well-informed. It is essential that your project staff know what is expected of them: what they have to do, when they have to do it, and what budget and time constraints and quality specification they are working towards.

The Information that You Need to Receive
In order to keep the relevant people informed, you must have regular and complete access to all information about the project: customer needs, objectives, plan, constraints, changes/risks and progress. PRINCE2TM, the government-standard Project Management methodology, suggests that a system of ‘management products’ (documents used to make management more efficient) is set up. With disciplined adherence to a system of regular and focused communication, you will avoid the misunderstandings and delays that so frequently lead to project failure and ensure that all your project staff and stakeholders are secure in their knowledge of what has to be done, and who is doing it.
By: Simon Buehring

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