Fans of Paris' pal Kim Kardashian will get a big treat this Christmas. Kim will be naked in December's issue of Playboy. The spread is reportedly 11 pages long, one of the longest ole' Hef has done in a while. She'll also be the cover girl. Of course this isn't the first time we've all seen Kim Kardashian naked. Earlier in the year her sex tape with Ray J made the rounds, though never was fully released. There was plenty of naked Kim in the trailers that made it onto the net. And now fans will get a Playboy styled view of Kim's famous back 40. Though the shoot doesn't feature Kim completely nude, a breast and some of her ample backside are reportedly featured. You'll probably have to wait a bit before you find Kim on the Playboy site, but hey, doesn't hurt to check. (link is obviously nsfw). And here's a couple pictures of Kim as a preview.
Source : http://celebritycrunch.com
: http://celebigboob.blogspot.com