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Tim peneliti Institut Max Planck, Jerman, yang dipimpin astronom asal Indonesia, Johny Setiawan, kembali menemukan planet asing (ekstrasolar) yang mengelilingi bintang mirip Matahari. Planet yang diberi nama TW Hya b mengelilingi bintang TW Hydrae di konstelasi Hydra yang berjarak 180 tahun cahaya dari Bumi. TW Hya b termasuk jenis planet gas raksasa berukuran antara 5,5 kali hingga 13,1 kali ukuran Planet Jupiter.
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The very first step toward learning to play acoustic guitar is to develop confidence and to destroy that "I can''t do it" mentality. Your biggest obstacle in your acoustic guitar playing is not going to be money, time, or the absence of a good teacher. The biggest obstacle is going to be you. You are your own worst enemy. Once you learn how to tame the negativity inside, you will be that much closer to becoming a good acoustic guitar player.
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