Mengenal Leukemia (Kanker Darah)

Perkembangan leukemia atau kanker darah sekarang ini belum dapat dideteksi secara dini dan penyebabnya belum bisa di deteksi. Penyait ini merupakan kanker yang mematikan dan belum bisa dicegah dan cara penyembuhannya pun masih menjadi bahan perdebatan. Ada beberapa zat dan bahan penyebab yang bisa menimbulkan kanker, makanya berhati-hatilah mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman menggunakan zat pewarna.
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Kisah Tragis Si Gadis Playboy

Buntut kematian bintang seksi playboy Anna Nicole Smith di usianya yang ke-39 membuat beberapa pemerhati Playboy Playmates menarik kesimpulan bahwa gadis-gadis Playboy cenderung berusia pendek. Nah lho! Kematian mendadak Anna yang sampai saat ini masih jadi misteri mengukuhkan anggapan bahwa gadis-gadis seksi milik Hugh Hefner ini rata-rata memiliki nasib yang bisa dibilang tak secantik wajahnya. Kecelakaan mobil, overdosis, bunuh diri, kecelakaan pesawat, dan kematian Smith yang belum menemukan titik terang adalah serangkaian nasib naas yang merengut hidup gadis-gadis Plaboy sebelum usia mereka menginjak 50 tahun.
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Travel Tips For Golfers

Planning your next golf trip? If you're flying to your golf destination, here are some tips that can save you time, aggravation, and money.
First, clean out your golf bag. Remove any items you haven't used during the last six rounds of golf. Get rid of old golf balls; remove any balls you won't use during your trip. Take a maximum of 4 tees for each round you plan to play. Take 2 ball markers. Take 1 pitch mark repair tool. Can you get rid of any clubs? Do you really need the 4-iron that you rarely use?
Pack golf shoes, your golf glove, and six golf balls in your carry-on bag. If your golf clubs are delayed, you can rent clubs at almost any course; but do you really want to buy another pair of shoes?

Protect yourself from theft. We hate to say it, but theft by baggage handlers is a reality. Some of our friends have had individual clubs (putters and drivers) stolen during air travel. Use a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) approved padlock on your golf travel bag to help deter thieves. You can get a TSA approved padlock on-line or at most stores that sell luggage. Look for the TSA logo on the lock to ensure it can be opened by a TSA agent. Otherwise, they will cut the lock if your bag is chosen for inspection.

Weigh your luggage before you leave home. Most airlines charge extra fees for bags weighing more than 50 pounds (22.6 kg). Redistribute items between your golf bag, your suitcase, and your carry-on bag so you don't have to take your bags apart in the terminal or pay for overweight bags.

Make sure your luggage tags are securely fastened to all your bags, including your golf bag and your carry-on. Then put a business card inside each piece of luggage. If your bag is misrouted, and the luggage tag gets torn off during handling, airport security will be able to contact you.

Buy travel insurance. Travel insurance is inexpensive, but it can save you a ton of money if you have to cancel your trip, your flight is delayed, you or a family member has medical problems, or your clubs or luggage is lost.

Be prepared for bad weather. You're more likely to play golf in the rain when you're on a golf vacation than when you're playing at home. So here are some tips on what to do to be prepared for inclement weather:

* Change the spikes on your golf shoes before you leave home and put a couple of extra spikes and a spike-wrench in your golf bag. Besides giving you more stability during your swing, new spikes can make all the difference in the world if you're walking on slippery hills. A few extra spikes and the wrench weigh next-to-nothing and will come in handy if you lose a spike.
* Check the grips on your golf clubs, including your putter. If you haven't changed your grips in over a year, it's time! In bad weather, a new grip can make the difference between knocking it stiff or watching your favorite wedge pin-wheel into a pond after it slips out of your hands.
* Invest in good rain gear, including a waterproof hat and rain gloves. Don't skimp on cheap rain gear or you might end up with gear that isn't fully waterproof (just ask the members of the 2010 USA Ryder Cup team!) Put an umbrella in your bag.
* An extra golf glove, towel and socks are also good if you have room. Put them all in a zip-lock bag inside your golf bag to ensure you're not going to pull out soggy gear.
* Consider leaving your driver and fairway metal head covers at home and wrapping another towel around the club heads. This will ensure that your head covers don't get soaked if it rains or that your favorite head cover (the one your daughter bought you for your birthday) doesn't end up in the bin in some far-away starter's shack. And it also gives you an extra towel should the weather not cooperate. If you bring your head covers with you on the trip, consider leaving them in your travel bag, the trunk of your car, or in your room before heading to the golf course.

By : Eric A. Rosenberg

Manfaat Kloset Jongkok

Banyak dari kita yang belum tahu manfaat kloset jongkok, bagi yang terbiasa dengan kloset duduk mungkin agak risih jika menggunakan kloset jongkok, demikian juga sebaliknya. Untuk ibu hamil dan orang lanjut usia kloset jongkok mungkin sangat menyiksa karena otot mereka harus bekerja extra untuk dapat menahan beban.
Namun untuk orang biasa kloset jongkok ternyata mempunyai beberapa manfaat, diantaranya :
1. Sulit untuk tertular kuman dan bakteri
2. Melatih otot untuk menahan berat badan.
3. Melatih kekuatan kaki dan otot kaki.
4. Melatih otot dasar panggul dan membuat pantat lebih sexy.
5. Posisi jongkok membantu kotoran lebih mudah keluar karena otot-otot dinding perut kontraksinya lebih bagus.

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Tips Menurunkan Kolesterol

Taburkan Pistachio Pada Salad Para periset Pennsylvania State University baru-baru ini memberikan tugas menyenangkan kepada para relawan : makan 1,5 ons pistachio (sekitar 1 genggam penuh) setiap hari. Di akhir studi 4 minggu ini, relawan yang mengunyah kacang-kacangan, kadar kolesterol total rata-rata turun 6,7% dan kolesterol jahat LDL turun 11,6%. Penurunan ini punya manfaat besar. Penurunan total kolesterol sampai sekitar 7% menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung sampai 14%. Pistachio adalah salah satu sumber terbaik sterol tumbuhan.
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Real Estate Properties And A Lease Purchase Home

Every one of us must be dreaming of the perfect home, one that is made out of our own design and specifications. There is just more attachment when something is done personally, and building a house is one that all families should be able to do. It may take some time, but the process is all worth it. From conceptualization, coming up with the blue print and then on to the hard stuff, every effort is just commendable. Nothing even beats having to see your house all finished, from your own mind, own money, coming into full form. A dream come true is what you can refer it to. However, not all of us are privileged to afford such lifelong dream project. Thus, the alternatives are all other have, like lease purchase home. But then again, the sense of home can still be achieved, and if you choose a place with taste, then you have nothing to be sad about.
Now, are you among those who are also doing home searches for the family? If yes, then you must know how tedious the process can be with regards to decision making for starters. First, there is the neighborhood to consider. Is it proven safe, and will the community provide a safe haven for your family? Also, is there a relatively close proximity to establishments you can rush to for emergencies? We are talking about hospitals for sicknesses, the police station for reports on suspicious activities and grocery stores for your basic needs. If with children, then good universities should also be within reach as well so that they can easily go to school and come home. This is because transportation could be a big issue, especially with traffic and the availability of transport vehicles with others competing for a spot.

For first timers dealing with real estate options, it is advised that with good judgment, every opportunity must not be put to waste. If every factor for considering lease purchase homes is already assessed, then one has to work on it with focus and patience. After all, there are also other people who can be considered competitors once they want the same thing as you do. Thus, beat them to it and be first to claim what you have been eyeing on all along.

Knowledge is always power, thus do not remain ignorant on how the business works. It's a property you are trying to secure for your family's benefit, thus you should study every possibility so that you will know how you can request and where you can get assistance in case you are stuck somewhere and can't progress. A lease purchase house is what you need to own your dream house as well, granted that you know where to look and how to claim it. Always think of your priorities so that once the decision has been made, you will be happy with what you did. We all need a place to live, and if the opportunity for getting a good one is there, then ready yourself and focus on your goal of getting the best deal for your money.

By : Preston John R Glenn

Bahaya Kemasan Styrofoam

Bahan pengemas styrofoam atau polystyrene telah menjadi salah satu pilihan yang paling populer dalam bisnis pangan. Tetapi, riset terkini membuktikan bahwa styrofoam diragukan keamanannya. Styrofoam yang dibuat dari kopolimer styrene ini menjadi pilihan bisnis pangan karena mampu mencegah kebocoran dan tetap mempertahankan bentuknya saat dipegang. Selain itu, bahan tersebut juga mampu mempertahankan panas dan dingin tetapi tetap nyaman dipegang, mempertahankan kesegaran dan keutuhan bahan yang dikemas, biaya murah, lebih aman, serta ringan.

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How To Find Top Auto Insurance Companies

If you are planning on purchasing auto insurance, you are likely also wondering which companies are the best. In order to find the best insurance companies in the industry, you must review a number of factors. The following tips will help you find the top auto insurance companies. Ask your friends and family about the businesses they prefer to use. While many of your friends and family may purchase their policies from the cheapest providers in the industry, it is likely that they know which ones are the best organizations in operation today.
By asking them about their personal opinions, you will likely obtain the names of a few high caliber businesses.
Ask agents and brokers about the providers they like the most. Many brokers and agents will likely promote the businesses they sell policies for, but that does not mean the businesses they recommend are low quality operations. By talking with these knowledgeable individuals, you will likely obtain the names of many high quality providers. Take a look at large scale consumer reviews. Consumer watchdog organizations study these businesses day in and day out. These organizations also publish information about these businesses as well. By reviewing the literature these organizations are currently publishing, you can gain a fairly clear picture of the current marketplace.
Many consumer watchdog groups even publish specific information about each company they review as well. By reviewing this information, you can see which providers are financially stable, which providers honor claims, and which providers offer high quality customer service. Review information being published by past and present customers online. Many customers of these publish information about their personal experiences with large organizations on a regular basis. These individuals share invaluable information about the providers they have used and are currently using. If you can find information that informs you about the quality of various providers in business today, you will likely know which organizations are actually providing high quality services to their customers. Complete your search by contacting some of the best companies directly. After you have utilized a few of the previous steps, you will likely know which organizations are commonly rated as the best in the business today. Once you know which providers are top auto insurance companies, you can contact them directly to ask them a few questions and see for yourself which ones actually offer the products and services you need the most.

By : Ted Kripps

Ramuan Tradisional Untuk Penderita Asma

Asma adalah penyakit penyempitan saluran pernapasan sementara waktu sehingga menjadi sulit bernafas. Gejala asma ditandai nafas yang berat / sesak nafas disertai nafas berbunyi hingga terjadi kegagalan pernafasan yang membahayakan. Saat menarik nafas, tekanan dalam dada menurun sehingga udara dapat masuk. Berkurangnya tekanan membantu mempertahankan agar saluran pernafasan tetap terbuka.
Saat menghembuskan nafas, tekanan di dalamnya meningkat sehingga mempengaruhi dinding saluran pernafasan dan cabang-cabangnya sehingga menjadi pipih. Keadaan ini menyebabkan saluran pernafasan menjadi sempit sehingga sulit menghembuskan nafas. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan penderita asma mengalami kesulitan saat menghembuskan napas, yang biasanya juga disertai timbulnya suara.
Penyebab :
Asma merupakan salah satu gangguan yang dapat disebabkan oleh faktor genetic atau karena alergi. Serangan dapat terjadi karena penderita menghirup serbuk sari ataupun debu rumah. Akan tetapi, kadang-kadang serangan dapat terjadi tanpa diketahui penyebabnya secara pasti. Serangan biasanya didahului oleh adanya infeksi pernafasan yang parah.
Hal-hal yang dapat memperburuk serangan asma antara lain : tekanan emosional, kelelahan, bau-bauan, asap rokok, perubahan suhu, dan lain-lain.
Cara pengobatan :
• 15 gram bunga kenop segar direbus dengan 400 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, kemudian airnya diminum selagi hangat.
• 30 gram akar putrid malu / sikejut direbus dengan 400 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, kemudian airnya diminum selagi hangat.
• Lobak putih secukupnya dijus hingga tertampung 1 mangkok, lalu ditim dan diminum.
• Irisan jahe setebal 3 mm ditempelkan dengan menggunakan koyo hangat / koyo cabe pada titik dazhui.
• 15 gram bunga melati direbus dengan 400 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, kemudian airnya diminum selagi hangat
• 60 gram rumput jukut pendul direbus dengan 400 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, kemudian air rebusannya diminum selagi masih hangat.
• 15 gram bunga melati dan 15 gram jahe direbus dengan 600 cc air hingga tersisa 300 cc, kemudian airnya diminum selagi hangat sebanyak setengah gelas.

Penulis : Prof. H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma

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